The Wiltshire Guild of
Spinners, Weavers & Dyers
The handicrafts group meet on the second Monday of each month. During these sessions members learn different handicrafts including candle making, silver and ceramic jewellery, braiding, fabric printing and batik to name but a few.
This is a perfect opportunity for members to try out different crafts and meet new people. Beginners and experienced craft persons will be made most welcome. Our most recent programme can be found below.
As with all of our groups, items produced by the members can be put in our Summer and Christmas Craft Sales.
For further information about the Handicraft Group please contact:
Val Laverick at
For general enquiries or if you wish to visit the workshops please contact us here.
Handicrafts Programme 2024
8th January Macramé beaded bracelet - Val.
12th February Ribbon Embroidery
11th March Relief Printing - Sarah
8th April Decoupage Mats and boxes - Sarah &Val
13th May Silk Painting - Sarah &Val
10th June Catch up or own projects
8th July Silk Paper - Val
August no Programme - own projects
9th September Book Making - Sarah & Carole
14th October Plaited &Twisted fabric for bowls and rugs
11th November Decorative lights on strings and in bottles
9th December Christmas Projects
11th December Christmas Shared Lunch